How to Apply For a Sidney Prize

There are many people who are making a positive difference for humanity, and it is important that their work is recognized. This is why there are sidney prize awards to help give those people the recognition they deserve. These awards can also serve to inspire others to join their cause and make a difference as well. However, before anyone applies for a sidney prize, they should make sure that they understand the requirements and criteria that are involved.

A sidney prize is an award given to individuals who have made significant contributions to society, whether in the field of arts or sciences. The winners of these prizes are often celebrated for their achievements, and they are able to use their winnings to further their careers. There are also several other sidney prize awards that are available for those who wish to pursue their interests in the field of science or art.

Founded in 1932, the Sydney Cox Memorial Award commemorates Dartmouth College professor Sidney Cox and his commitment to encouraging students towards realizing their dreams. The prize is awarded to an undergraduate student who has excelled in scholarship, undergraduate teaching, and leadership in the advancement of liberal arts education. The winner of this prize will receive a cash prize of $1,500 and is honored at the Phi Beta Kappa Society’s Triennial Council Meeting. The award is open to all current members of the Society. Nominations are due a year and a half prior to each Triennial Council Meeting.

The Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize is a competition that recognises excellence in original short fiction themed around travel. The judges for the prize include Patrick Lenton, Alice Bishop and Sara Saleh. Submissions must be a maximum of 3000 words and be entirely original. The judges will also consider whether the entry takes up the voice or experience of a marginalised identity.

In addition to the shortlist and winner, three runners-up will be chosen. This will be based on the quality of the entries and their overall strength of argument. The Overland judges are looking for a compelling, original and deeply affecting piece of writing. The winner of the prize will be announced in November 2022.